Tuesday, February 28, 2012

4th Annual Dominican Family Vocations Day

The fourth annual Dominican family vocations day will take place on Saturday, March 24th, 2012 at Saint Saviour's Dominican priory, Dorset Street in Dublin city centre - beginning at 9.30 am and concluding at approximately 5.00 pm.

This is an excellent opportunity for men and women who are interested in the four branches of the Dominican family (lay Dominicans, friars, apostolic sisters and contemplative nuns) to learn more about the Order and to get a chance to meet members of these four branches.

The day begins at 9.30 am with registration and coffee, followed by introductions and morning prayer of the church. We are delighted again to welcome back this year among us Dr Andrew O' Connell, communications director with the Presentation brothers who is also a noted journalist and religious and social commentator who will give the main presentation. There will be also some inputs from members of the Order as part of the overall presentation. Mass will be celebrated to bring the day to a conclusion.

The success of this event over the past few years has been the informal nature of the vocations day - with plenty of opportunity to meet with the various members of the Dominican family and to share in the hospitality of the friars with whom the participants will have lunch.

Space, unfortunately, is limited, so if you are interested in participating in the day, you should contact me, the vocations director for the friars as soon as you can. The email address is frgd@eircom.net and the telephone number is +353 1 8897613.

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